Everyone's asleep except me. And you.

Getting Rid of the Books

Getting Rid of the Books

Tonight, I got rid of books.

Not just any books. All my business books. The ones on how to run a businesses better. The ones on innvovating your way to the top of the pyramid, the market, the consumer’s mind. The ones on entrepreneurial dilemmas and self-discovery in the name of the almighty dollar. The ones on managing people and bosses and boards. The ones on paring it all down to just the essentials and what matters (assuming it’s measurable) most.

Yep. All of them. Even the ones on managing up and down and sideways.

Good To Great
The Little Blue Book of Advertising
The Making of Manager
High Output Management
Built To Last
Behind the Cloud
Spreadable Media
The Coaching Habit
Growth Mindset
Let My People Go Surfing
The Silo Effect
The Resilient Enterprise

Even the great Simon Sinek’s Leaders Eat Last and Start With Why.


Because reading them was like trying to learn how to ride your horse by watching a movie of someone who is not you riding a horse that is not yours. Or understanding how Rocky Road Ice Cream tastes by listening to someone eat a Rocky Road Ice Cream Cone. Like trying to comprehend the meaning of colors when you are blind.



