The House Creaks
the house creaks in the dark
like a mother moaning for her lost children
she knows better
she knows why you’re there
to divide the now things
from the yesterday things
from the tomorrow things
but the scales are invisible
and the mind is useless
(because even though you know the answers
your heart grips to hold onto it all)
tears are the real masters now
follow them
they know what to do
don’t be afraid
of the bears in the midnight orchard of your ancestors
you belong among the pear filled branches
you will pick the ones that are sweet in the mouth
the ones that nourish the forever in you
in all of us.
are love in action
are goodness in our midst
you know where you are
because the house doesn’t really creak
for lost children
but in joyful grief
for the all the beauty that happened there
and needs to move on
to live (elsewhere)
and live on
in us all
(I will never forget the afternoons under the window
the flour of Christmas sweet rolls in the kitchen air
a spatchula handed to me in the dusk
the streaks of the perseids in the sky from the back porch;
that is how I know you will never forget all the things.
It is why you hear the house creak; it is why I know the bears know
who you are)